Therapy for Men

Male Depression

Over 6 million American men struggle with depression each year, and that figure likely is grossly underestimated due to men not seeking help. Depression isn’t just a bummer. It can wreak havoc on your quality of life, and even put your life in jeopardy. Compared to women, sadly men are 4x more likely to die by suicide, and more than twice as likely to die from alcohol-related causes.
Depression doesn’t always take the form you’d expect. In addition to sadness and hopelessness, it can also manifest as fits of rage, unnecessary risk-taking, alcohol or drug abuse and suicidal thoughts. Although no two men have the same symptoms, male depression usually has four telltale signs: (1) irritability, (2) physical discomfort, (3) social withdrawal, and (4) compulsive behaviors. When you’re depressed, you’re desperate for a dose of feel-good. Men pick their poison — booze, drugs, video games, gambling, porn etc. — to get a hit of dopamine. But because the temporary “feel good” is only a bandaid on the real issue, you’ll soon find yourself in a vicious cycle that over time actually makes your depression worse.
Being honest enough to admit your depression and brave enough to seek help, you’re already a part of the solution. The hardest part will be getting past your depressed brain telling you that things no one can help and there are no solutions.
Depression is a liar. We have seen many clients come out of major depressions and go on to live fulfilled lives.

Substance Abuse

Drinking, using drugs, and pushing the limits have been firmly endorsed by male culture since the beginning of time. Guys drink. Guys smoke. Guys thrill-seek. Unfortunately, men have a tendency to self-medicate in order to cope with problems like depression, anxiety, work stress and relationship issues. That’s when what seemed like harmless fun can turn into more serious problems.

Why Do Men Get Addicted?

Why can’t we just have nice things? It feels good to get a buzz on, or hit the jackpot, or lose an entire weekend exploring every pixel of a high-def RPG. But you know what they say about too much of a good thing. At some point, you may be creating a pattern of behavior that you may not be in control of.
Sometimes taking more of a substance is not just to feel good, but to stop feeling bad. Chronic alcoholism can rewire your central nervous system to literally require alcohol, adding physical withdrawal symptoms to the psychological ones. Daily marijuana, although promoted as fairly benign, can create a chronic mental fog that interfere with decision-making, work, relationships and even reality.
No matter how deep you’ve fallen into an addiction, you can always haul yourself back out. But it’s not going to happen overnight. Addiction is a cyclical disorder, and addiction recovery follows a similar pattern. It takes time, repetition, and inevitable slides backward to keep making progress forward. You’ll be amazed how many things fall into place once you take that scary but simple step of admitting you need help.

Porn Addiction

Porn addiction is a compulsive consumption of porn despite it’s negative consequences. It can interfere with daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. While many people consume adult content, for some, it can develop into a harmful cycle that impacts mental health and personal relationships.
Recognizing the signs of porn addiction is the first step toward recovery:
Like any type of substance abuse, pornography can create strong neurological pathways in the brain, leading to compulsive behaviors and cravings similar to substance addiction. Over time, it can create unrealistic expectations about sex and an increased preference for virtual experiences over real-life interactions, leading to isolation. Porn addiction can wreak havoc on a marriage as it can lead to less and less of a desire for your partner and/or infidelity.
There is a lot of shame around porn addictions and reaching out for help can be a terrifying option however we have worked with many men who have overcome their porn addiction.

Relationship Challenges

Relationships can be complex and challenging, and it’s not uncommon for men to face unique struggles in this area. Whether you’re dealing with communication issues, feeling disconnected from your partner, or struggling with intimacy, you’re not alone.
Men often face several common struggles in relationships, including communication barriers that make it difficult to express emotions and articulate needs, leading to misunderstandings and frustration. Additionally, societal expectations encourage stoicism, creating a fear of vulnerability that can inhibit intimacy and emotional connection. Life transitions such as marriage, fatherhood, or career changes can further add stress and strain, requiring support and understanding to navigate effectively. Balancing responsibilities at work and home can leave little time for nurturing relationships, making it essential to find that balance for long-term happiness.

Intimate Partner Abuse

With society viewing domestic violence as a women’s issue, it is hard for men to identify what’s happening to them as domestic violence. They often think “my partner is mentally ill,” not “I need help.” Men can be victims of power and control dynamics just like women and can develop various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder from these relationships.
The hallmarks of abuse include:
With society viewing domestic violence as a women’s issue, it is hard for men to identify what’s happening to them as domestic violence. They often think “my partner is mentally ill,” not “I need help.” Men can be victims of power and control dynamics just like women and can develop various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder from these relationships.

"To struggle is a human experience but it does not have to be a lonely one”.